Thursday, May 21, 2015

Black Purl socks

 Pattern: None

Yarn: Lorna's Laces Shepherd Worsted in Black Purl

Needles: US Size 3

Started On: May 16th

Finished On: May 18th

Comments: I didn't follow a pattern for this. I cast on 40 stitches and just knit plain socks. This is one of my favorite color ways from Lorna's Laces. This is in the collection of my oldest yarns from 2006, and it was time for me to use it up. I've been saving it for the perfect pattern, but in the end I decided on socks, because I know I'll wear them. I have one more ball of this yarn in this colorway in my stash (also from 2006). I think that will be the next project I work on.

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