Wednesday, February 17, 2016

WIP Wednesday

TGV - This shawl is named after the high speed train in France because of how fast it knits up.

I'm knitting this shawl in the aptly named Crazy Zauberball in the colorway 1699. I'm really enjoying how low maintenance the shawl is. There's no need to keep track of the number of stitches. When you use up a certain percentage of the yarn, is when you start the edging. It maximizes the ball of yarn, so you can use the most yardage. I'm also really enjoying seeing what new color pops up next.

Elongated Corded rib socks - I'm getting back to knitting more socks out of the SKS book. It's not a difficult pattern, but I do have to keep track of where I am.  These colors are super girly. It's Neeley's Knits Super Sock in My Little Pony inspired Star Song. This stitch pattern reminds me of little frosting decorations that is often seen on cakes. mmmm....cake.....

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