Wednesday, October 1, 2014

WIP Wednesday: socks

I haven't knit a pair of socks in forever. I thought now was as good of a time as any to start up again. I also realize I have several sock books that have been sitting on my shelves forever barely ever opened. I hope to get through some of those books and knit most of the patterns out of them.

The first book I chose is Favorite Socks from Interweave Knits. While I have made a few socks from this book in the past, there are many more I would like to make. So my plan is to knit all the socks that I like out of this book. Then I'll pick a different sock book and do the same. I'll probably just keep one sock on the needles at all times.

I decided to start with the first sock pattern in this book, the Retro Rib socks. Since Once Upon A Time the TV show started back up again, I chose to use my Neeley's Knits OUAT inspired Evil Queen yarn. I wasn't sure how the yarn and pattern combination would work out, but I'm finding that I like it quite a bit. Even though it's clear now the order the colors will stripe, I still find myself excited about getting to the next color. I never realized how much self-striping yarn can motivate my knitting.

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