Saturday, November 15, 2014


 It's rare, but I have TWO finished projects to share! It was very satisfying to knit a couple of quick projects.

I know conventional wisdom would say that you should knit your primary project out of a new ball of yarn and use the leftover scraps for any small projects. However, I really wanted to knit a phone cozy, so I broke into a brand new skein of yarn to do it. I love the colors of the Neeley's Knits Wicked inspired Galinda yarn. I particularly love the little sparkly bits in this yarn. I think I will definitely cast on for my next pair of socks with this yarn soon.

I was in desperate need of a camera cozy, since I somehow lost/misplaced the cloth baggy thing that I usually keep my camera in. So I grabbed my leftover Neeley's Knits OUAT inspired Evil Queen yarn to knit this up.

Both the phone and camera cozy were knit the same way. I made up my own pattern.

1) Cast on 48 stitches with size 1 DPNs
2) knit in 2 x 2 ribbing until it measured approx 2 - 3 inches
3) One round of *K2, Yo, P2, repeat * to end of round.
4) Knit in stockinette stitch until slightly longer than desired length.
5) Divide stitches in half and kitchener stitch them together.
Weave in ends and you're all done!

I added the one round of *K2, Yo, P2, to increase the stitches of the body, so that the top is tighter and the cell phone or camera won't fall out of the cozy easily. I also did this because I was thinking about making an icord. Then I could use the YO holes to put the icod in that to ensure that the camera or phone wouldn't fall out. Technically you could just cast on 60 stitches to start and eliminate step 3 and have pretty much the same results.

I'm pretty pleased with how the cozies turned out. I love that I can knit up a cozy in one night.It's very rewarding. Now I have to get back to knitting on some socks.

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