Thursday, January 14, 2016


Pattern: Sophie designed by Ysolda Teague

Yarn: Debbie Bliss Cashmerino in Lilac (purple Sophie) and Debbie Bliss Cashmerino in Primrose (yellow Sophie)

Needles: US Size 3 DPNs (five needles)

Started on: Dec. 27th, 2015

Finished on: Jan 11th, 2016

Comments: This was my first time knitting stuffed animals or toys! (I'm not counting the tiny not even 1 inch big amiugrumi bird, I knit 4 or so years ago.)

I love how clear the pattern was written and appreciated the many photos. It made it much easier to see where I needed to pick up stitches. Also the pattern is awesome because there is no seaming whatsoever. I will take picking up stitches any day over seaming!

There were a few more difficult parts to knit, this is not due to any fault of the pattern, but more so just the nature of the knit. Using all five DPNs to knit on the arms of the rabbit was difficult and fiddly especially when there's only a few stitches per needle. Also because the body is already knit, my DPNs keep poking into the rabbit at awkward angles. It was also tricky to keep the stitches from sliding off of the needles. The ears were also a bit fiddly, but not too bad after getting though the first two or three rows.

Aside from all this, I'm very happy with the results of this pattern. I think the rabbits turned out super cute.

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